Resources for First Responders

It is with genuine respect, support and gratitude that we first thank you for your public service! 911READY continues to work closely with Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue and Emergency Medical Services to develop our programs and services to provide you with extra tools and information to assist in your emergency response.

Select a tab from the list below to view specific information and resources for First Responders.

If you are an emergency responder and would like your department, station or city to participate in the 911READY and/or 911READY Bag Programs, please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your service to your community and your interest in these innovative programs!

Department/Station/Company Participation RequestThis is a brief description of the 911READY Bag Program. Below it, please select from the participation options. *

  • Yes, we are interested in participating in the 911READY Bag Program
  • No, we are not interested in participating in the 911READY Bag Program
  • We already participate in the 911READY Bag Program

What is a 911READY Bag?

911READY Bags are designed to be used by Fire & Rescue, EMS and Law Enforcement Agencies when they encounter an autistic child or adult during an emergency situation. The contents of these bags were designed to include specific items that may help reduce stress and anxiety of an autistic person. 

*Please note, there is a $40 fee per bag. Selecting “Yes” below does not mean you have to purchase them at this time. Whether you plan to purchase (or seek sponsorship) or would just like more information, please check “yes” and we will contact you to discuss it. The price of the Bags also includes a training session for your station/department/company on how to recognize an autistic individual and how to use the bag contents to aid in your emergency response with them.

Department Participation Request Form

This form is for first responder departments to request involvement into the 911READY platform.

Please select your station, department, or company type.(Required)

Address of Station/Department/Company(Required)
Your Name(Required)
911READY Bag Program(Required)
How did you hear about the 911READY Program?(Required)


An integral part of the success of the 911READY Bag Program is the feedback we receive from law enforcement, fire and rescue and emergency medical services responders who have used the 911READY BAG in the field. Please share you experience here. We appreciate your service to the community!

Share Your 911READY Bag Experience Form

Experience form for first responders use of a 911READY Bag.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Prefered Contact Method(Required)
I am a responder in the following field(Required)

Station/Department Address(Required)
Please only select this box if you wish to remain anonymous.


911CARES is a program created for Emergency Responders servicing Downriver* cities and townships to get specific necessities for a child in need in their community. This program is designed to help law enforcement, fire and rescue and emergency medical responders assist children in their community without incurring out of pocket expenses. For example, if you are an officer and recognize a child in need of shoes, a coat or whatever other item you deem a legitimate need, complete the form below and we will make every effort to help fulfill this need. Once fulfilled, the item will be brought to you and you can deliver it to the child, further reinforcing the positive relationships between responders and members of the community. All that we ask is that NO pictures of children are taken. If you would like to take a picture with the item(s) you will deliver and mention that you are working with 911READY to bring positive community changes to post on social media, please feel free to tag us.

911CARES First Responder Request for Item(s) for Child in Need

This form is only to be completed by first responders. The 911CARES Program is only available to DOWRIVER, MI departments/stations.

911CARES: First Responder Request to Help a Child in Need Form

911CARES is a program created for Emergency Responders servicing Downriver* cities and townships to get specific necessities for a child in need in their community

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please select your department type(Required)

Department/Station Address(Required)